Green Building Festival call for presentation proposals
With the world economy slowing, many new building projects have been postponed or canceled. By necessity, the focus in the sustainable building world will shift to existing buildings, communities and sites. There exists a great opportunity to reduce our ecological footprint by improving what we have. By upgrading the underperforming built environment that we already inhabit, we can make vast reductions in carbon, greenhouse gases and energy demand.
The Green Building Festival is pleased to announce our 5th Anniversary theme: RE.
Renovating, regenerating, rebuilding, remaking, retrofitting, recycling, reusing, reimagining. Or suggest your own RE. They are currently welcoming presentation proposals that address our theme. The deadline is Friday, March 20th. The proposal should be concise (1 to 3 paragraphs), include images if possible, and address the challenge of taking what we already have and making it exemplary. Please include contact information, Speaker Name and Bio.
Presentation Proposals should be submitted by email to Jeff at Sustainable Buildings Canada: [email protected]
For more information visit