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ISBBC 2006 Conference Proceedings

Looking to hear some of best of the straw bale building world on a Friday night?

Every Friday we will release audio recordings of a session from the 2006 International Straw Bale Building Conference hosted by the OSBBC and held at Camp Kawartha in Lakefield, Ontario, September 24—October 1, 2006.

There’s some 30 sessions in all, and many of them have an accompanying copy of the presentation visuals. Many many thanks to the very hard work of Marlene Ziobrowski who dedicated 600+ hours of her time to making these recordings available.

We know you’ll enjoy listening to these sessions. Come back every Friday for a fresh session!

Please see the Proceedings Category for an automatic list of presentations posted to-date.

Notes from Marlene

All of the material was either recorded with the permission of the speakers (in some cases given after they learned that they had just been recorded; given ever so graciously, in those cases, too, I might add)  or were files given to the ISBBC committee solely for the purposes of sharing with conference goers a record of the conference. So, if you want to use any material from the audio OR presentation files OR any of the images please contact the presenters themselves.

The sound quality for session audio files is all over the place. I did my best to clean it up. In many cases you wouldn’t know it. We recorded over 30 sessions, 3 simultaneously, on volunteer power and 100 bucks of equipment rental. Kinda cool, really. Ya gets what ya pays for. Hopefully the amazing content will render  every background noise and file that has gaps missing irrelevant. My deepest apologies to presenters whose presentations—in whole or in part—have been lost.

ISBBC 2006 audience for closing keynote speech

ISBBC 2006 audience for closing keynote speech